We use your information exclusively in the context of the CALVENDO platform – your banking details, for example, are only required so we can transfer payment to you. It goes without saying that sensitive data is encrypted when transferred and saved.
You will find more information in our Data Privacy Statement.
You don’t need any kind of formal qualification or certificate to publish with us. However, our service is primarily for experienced creative workers, such as professional photographers, illustrators, graphic artists, cartoonists, copywriters, etc. At the same time, talented and enthusiastic hobbyists or semi-professionals are more than welcome to use the CALVENDO platform! All the more so if you have something new and unusual to offer, be it with regards to subjects, techniques, motifs or approaches to design.
There are also no restrictions regarding your place of residence and creative folk from all around the world work with us! Anyone who wants to publish their work for the German, English and/or French speaking markets can do so free of charge.
Our collaboration is based on our T&Cs and the contract of publication. The final decision about releasing your projects for publication or not always lies with the CALVENDO jury.Everyone whose project has been selected for publication by our jury.
Please see our Contract of Publication and Terms and Conditions for further information.
When you submit your project, you agree to CALVENDO’s Contract of Publication. CALVENDO countersigns, so to speak, the moment your project is selected for publication. This is how the Contract of Publication goes into effect, no signatures required.
Here you will find more information on our Contract of Publication.
Yes. But be careful not to use a name that could be confused with that of a famous person.
Use your pseudonym consistently throughout everywhere in your profile and in the “Product Description” section of our online editing tool.
Yes, of course! CALVENDO does not ask for exclusive rights so that you can always use your creative content wherever else you like. However, before you submit previously published work to us, talk to your publisher and come to an agreement.
As soon as your project has been released by the CALVENDO jury, your Contract of Publication goes into effect and you mainly grant us the right to distribute your published product (calendar), see also Contract of Publication, 3. Granting of rights. We do not ask for any exclusive rights to the images, graphic designs or copy you use for your calendar. All rights to your content remain with you and you can continue using it without any restriction for other projects or purposes.
You only grant Calvendo the right to use your work (calendar images), for example, for sales, advertising, promotional and marketing purposes that are related to CALVENDO. This includes, among others, product descriptions and thumbnail images in book trade catalogues. Should Calvendo be in future able to market your images otherwise (“unknown types of use”), you will, of course, be paid an appropriate fee. An example for this would be a corporate customer approaching Calvendo and wanting to order a large print run of one of your calendars.
For further information about the scope of rights granted to us, please see the Contract of Publication and Terms and Conditions.
According to copyright law (whose basic principles have become very similar internationally), you are only allowed to publish content for which you possess all rights of use and exploitation. This is certainly true of your own works. You may not publish copied photos, graphic art or texts unless you have permission from the creator. So be careful with quotes, lyrics, brand names and logos! But also with photos of people as you may be infringing on personal rights. Do not use forbidden content such as material that is extremist, pornographic or harmful to youth. Such content has no chance of being approved by our juries anyway.
If you are uncertain, you would do well to consult a lawyer. When you submit a project to CALVENDO, you are making a legal declaration that you possess all rights of use and exploitation for the work you are submitting (see Contract of Publication).
Our Concise Guidelines for CALVENDO Photographers does not claim to be exhaustive – and it certainly does not replace legal council on individual cases! But it will help you gain an overview of the legal questions you will encounter when taking pictures that show people, places and objects. We also give you two sample consent forms.
You will definitely also want to consult the British Intellectual Property Office as well as the website of the U.S. Copyright Office: www.copyright.gov.
The website www.rechtambild.de approaches the subject from the perspective of German law.
We also provide a free-of-charge video tutorial on photography and rights.If you produce for the German-speaking market, we recommend you consult the Merkblatt für Titelschutzfragen published by the MVB, the "Marketing- und Verlagsservices des Buchhandels GmbH," which is a subsidiary of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels.
For basic information on photography and rights, please also see our free-of-charge video tutorial.
If you are producing for the English or French-speaking market, we recommend you do your research here: trademark.markify.com.
If you produce for the German-speaking market, we recommend you consult the German Patent and Trade Mark Office.
For some basic information on photography and rights, we also provide a free-of-charge video tutorial.
Yes. You could, for example, include your company logo, if applicable, on your calendar cover.
If we notice that, despite the jury’s review of all submitted projects, a product was published that might contravene rules, copyright or other laws, the product will be removed from our list right away. We may also take legal steps.
At the bottom of the website in our Questions and Answers section, or simply click here.
The protection of your personal data is important to us and we of course strictly adhere to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
On CALVENDO's website, personal data is only collected if technically compulsory and only to the extent needed and in that case, encrypted via SSL. We mainly use this information for handling the payment of your royalties. In no case shall we sell or pass on the collected data for economical reasons to third parties.
No, apart from the fact that a few particularities with regard to a) sales tax and b) withholding tax under § 50a EStG apply:
a) Sales Tax
The surrender of copyright to Calvendo by the author (located in Germany or elsewhere) is an act to which sales tax applies, and the place of performance of this act, under § 3a Abs. 2 Satz 1 UStG, is identified as that of Calvendo, in Germany. In other words, this surrender is subject to taxation in Germany and to the reduced tax rate (7 %), § 12 Abs. 2 Nr. 7 Buchst. c UStG.
aa) Scenario 1: You are a domestic entrepreneur
Insofar as the author is a domestic entrepreneur and not a small business, payment to the author must be made with the addition of sales tax. For the pre-tax allowance on the part of CALVENDO, either an invoice on the part of the author is required or a payment credit on the part of Calvendo, agreed upon in advance.
bb) Scenario 2: Domestic Small Business
Insofar as the author is a domestic entrepreneur and a small business, payment must not include any sales tax. In this case, there will be no pre-tax allowance on the part of CALVENDO – and similarly no prepaid tax is charged.
cc) Scenario 3: Foreign Entrepreneur
If the author does not have residence or offices in Germany, but rather in some other country of the EU or else in a third country, CALVENDO is the payer of sales tax under § 13b Abs. 1 and 2 Nr. 1 i. V. m. Abs. 5 Satz 1 UStG. Payment to the author must not include any sales tax in this case. CALVENDO is entitled to a pre-tax allowance under § 15 Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 4 UStG.
b) Withholding tax deduction under § 50a EStG
For authors subject to limited income tax (as a rule, this is the case with natural persons who reside outside Germany) CALVENDO must deduct a withholding tax of 15 % (§ 50a Abs. 2 Satz 1 Alt. 1 EStG) plus a 5.5 % solidarity tax contribution from their pay to pass this on this to the German Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (BZSt) (Federal Central Tax Office). A report to the BZSt must be made in this respect every quarter.
Insofar as a double taxation agreement (DTA) exists between Germany and the author’s country of residence, the withholding tax is reduced to a very low rate or even to zero percent. Thus, under § 50d Abs. 1 EStG, the author may, upon application to the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern, be reimbursed for the withholding tax that was deducted in excess.
For this to happen, written confirmation from CALVENDO is required, which indicates the withholding tax that was deducted and paid.
There are two exceptions to the mandatory deduction of withholding tax, provided that a DTA reduces withholding tax, possibly to zero percent.
aa) Exemption Procedure
The author may apply for an exemption certificate from the German Bundeszentralamt für Steuern. Once Calvendo possesses such an exemption certificate, withholding tax may be reduced or even omitted entirely for the length of time the certificate is valid.
bb) Recording Procedure (Kontrollmeldeverfahren)
CALVENDO participates in a recording procedure – which, among other things, requires authorization from the BZSt – CALVENDO may reduce the tax deduction in accordance with the respective DTA. Insofar as the DTA stipulates that the tax shall be reduced to zero, CALVENDO may omit the withholding tax deduction. The following requirements must be fulfilled for the recording procedure to be applicable: